“Regulators, law enforcement authorities and industry associations like Cayman Finance and others represented at this event play a crucial role in maintaining stability and confidence in the global financial services industry,” said Cayman Finance CEO Jude Scott.
“I greatly appreciated those on the panel with regulatory and law enforcement responsibilities who shared their valuable insights and perspectives on the importance of collaboration among themselves and with industry representatives around the world,” he added.
“We look forward to increasing opportunities in the future for Cayman Finance to participate in discussion panels, thought leadership events, and jointly evolving enhanced best practices to ensure an effective and efficient global financial system for legitimate transactions while weeding out and removing bad actors,” Scott concluded.
“It was great to have Mr Scott and Cayman Finance involved in this panel,” said Lisa Roitman, Business Strategist for Regulatory Compliance Solutions at Bloomberg LP. “The panel was full of great content and was well delivered across the board. We had great feedback from conference attendees.”
“As a global non-profit non-partisan industry association, HFA is proud to offer this type of high caliber event, consistent with our mission to advance transparency, development and trust in the alternative investment community,” commented Holly Singer, HFA Vice President and Board Member.
The panel was moderated by Bloomberg LP’s Lisa Roitman. In addition to Mr. Scott, other panelists included: Lou Berardocco, Senior Manager, Examinations Compliance, the NFA; Ryan Hill, Supervisory Special Agent, Homeland Security Investigations; Ed Kim, Partner, Krieger, Kim & Lewin LLP; and Bob Taylor, Head of Global Asset Management Regulatory Strategy, UK Financial Conduct Authority.